How to Use a Rose Quartz Affirmation
A rose quartz crystal, a mini tower and a polished stone.
Affirmations are an amazing way to change your life. Adding a crystal can help anchor your positive statements and remind you of your intentions.
If you’re looking for love, self love or friendship, rose quartz affirmations can help you get into the right mindset. Rose quartz is connected to the heart chakra and associated with all forms of love, kindness, compassion and healing.
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How I Use a Rose Quartz Affirmation
One of my favorite ways to use affirmations is by writing them out. It’s simple and effective. I do journaling every morning and I end each session by writing out my affirmations.
I usually write each affirmation twenty five times. But the important part is the feelings behind the words. So if I’m short on time, I’ll only write them five or ten times for that day.
Writing Down Your Affirmations
Writing out your affirmations will help manifest your wishes faster than you ever imagined. If you already do journaling, you can add ten minutes to your writing time. Use your regular journal or choose a special one, just for your affirmation work.
If you don’t already journal, start by setting aside some time for your affirmation work. If you’re short on time, write each of your affirmations ten times. If you’ve got more time, you can write each one out twenty, fifty or even a hundred times. Hold your rose quartz crystal in your hand while you write each affirmation.
If you’ve only got time for ten, don’t worry. Getting into the feeling behind each affirmation is the most important part. Think about each sentence and feel the emotions that go along with it, as you’re writing. Imagine that it’s come true and let yourself feel all the love, happiness and joy that it brings.
Once you’ve written out your affirmations, put away your journal. Put your rose quartz in your pocket, purse or bag and carry it with you throughout the day. Any time you see or touch your crystal, remember your affirmations and that feeling of love you had while you were writing.
Self Love Affirmations
If you’re working on your self love and feeling worthy, a rose quartz can be very helpful. Start by thinking about how you want to feel about yourself. Do you want to see yourself as a good friend? A loyal partner? A passionate lover?
Once you’ve got an idea about your goal, start thinking about sentences and phrases that make you feel good about yourself.
I deserve all the happiness life has to offer.
I am worthy of self care and protection.
I am worthy of love and kindness.
I love myself with all of my heart.
I am kind and loving towards myself.
I love and accept myself, exactly as I am.
I am enough.
I embrace self compassion.
I celebrate my unique personality.
I choose to see myself through a lens of unconditional love.
I treat myself with the same kindness and understanding that I offer to others.
I deserve rest and relaxation.
I love the person I am becoming.
I trust the path that I am on.
Affirmations to Attract Friendship
Having true friends can be just as important as having a romantic relationship. If you’re having trouble meeting and connecting with new friends, don’t worry. This is a really common problem with most adults. It’s just harder to make friends as you get older.
If you’d like to attract new friendships, try using some affirmations for rose quartz. Remember, you’re not trying to manipulate a certain person. You’re trying to build your own energy of love and friendship. When you’ve got a positive and loving vibe, you’ll be attractive to the best people for you to make friends with.
I radiate love and kindness from within.
I am worthy of loyal and trustworthy friends.
I am open to giving and receiving love in all it’s forms.
I am a great friend and I attract others who share my values.
I am a magnetic for authentic friendships.
I am attracting new friendships that will bring positivity and joy.
I am open to making new connections.
I embrace new friendships.
I greet new people with a kind and open heart.
I attract kind and supportive friends who share my values.
I radiate positivity and attract like minded people.
I am surrounded by positive energy that attracts deep connections and meaningful friendships.
I release any fears of rejection and open my heart to new friendships.
I am grateful for the friendships I have and excited about forming new ones.
Rose quartz and clear quartz make a great combination.
Affirmations to Promote Emotional Healing
When you need to heal before you’re ready for a new relationship, rose quartz can be a great helper along the way. When you’re choosing your affirmation, look for one that feels gentle and loving to you. Once you find one that resonates, program your crystal with it and repeat it any time you see or touch your quartz.
I am ready to let go of the past.
I am willing to forgive.
I release all that no longer serves me.
I forgive myself and others, releasing all negative emotions.
I am willing to leave behind the emotional burdens of the past.
I embrace the lessons of my past and I choose to move forward with a healed and open heart.
I welcome positivity into my heart and my life.
I deserve to be healthy and whole.
My heart is open to healing.
I am surrounded by healing vibrations that support my journey to wellness.
I am creating a happier and healthier me.
I am on a journey to wellness.
Affirmations to Attract True Love
When you’re doing magic, remember that you’re not trying to control people. You’re simply putting yourself into an energetic state that will attract your best match. If you have your heart set on someone who is not right for you, all the mantras in the world will not capture their heart.
When you’re choosing an affirmation to attract love into your life, do not focus on a certain person. Focus on feelings of love, romance and completeness. Once your own loving energy is surrounding you, it’ll be easy for your true love to find you.
I am open and ready to receive true love into my life.
I deserve love and I attract it effortlessly.
I am a magnet for true love.
I am connected to the Universal Flow of true love.
I trust the Universe to guide me to my perfect match.
I attract healthy and happy relationships into my life.
I deserve love that is genuine, true and loyal.
I deserve a partner who loves and cherishes me.
I make space in my life for a happy and healthy love relationship.
I radiate an energy of love and attraction.
I am open to giving and receiving love.
I am grateful for all the love I have and excited about the true love to come.
Affirmations to Heighten Romantic Feelings
If you’ve already found your person, but feel like you could use a little romance in your life, use some rose quartz to amp up the energy.
Most couples have different needs at different times in their relationships. Think about where you are right now and how you’d like to connect.
You might need an affirmation that promotes trust in each other. Or maybe you just need to feel more connected. Look for an affirmation that captures the feeling of the energy you’re looking for.
I am open and loving with my partner.
My partner and I are together in the Universal flow of love.
Our love deepens every day.
We share a bond that is unbreakable.
I’m committed to nurturing romance in our relationship.
Our love continues to grow stronger every day.
Our love is a journey filled with joy, excitement and romance.
I express my love and appreciation every day.
Our love story is ever evolving.
Affirmations to Increase Intimacy Between Lovers
As well as love and romance, most couple could use a healthy dash of sensuality and passion. If you’re trying to build your intimacy, look for a rose quartz affirmation that will strengthen your bond and deepen your closeness.
With perfect love and trust I open my heart to my partner.
I am a channel for unconditional love.
I’m grateful for the passion and intimacy that we share.
Our hearts are intertwined and we share a true bond.
We share a space of openness, honesty and intimacy.
We explore each others needs and desires that strengthen our physical and emotional connection.
Every moment of intimacy brings us closer together and strengthens our bond.
Intimacy is a sacred dance of giving and receiving.
Our passionate connection is a sacred expression of love.
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