Snowflake Obsidian Meaning For Strength and Protection

Snowflake obsidian stone with I Ching coins in the background.

Snowflake obsidian comes in a variety of shades of black and white.

Snowflake obsidian is a versatile stone with many benefits. One main snowflake obsidian meaning is strength and protection, making it the perfect stone to build your courage and self reliance. It’s also good for grounding, security and self confidence.

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Snowflake Obsidian Properties

Like regular obsidian, the snowflake variety is made of volcanic glass, but with crystals inside. As the lava cooled, crystals formed and grew inside, resulting in natural, snowflake patterns.

Color and Appearance:

Snowflake obsidians are black or grey, with white crystal patterns across the surface. The molten lava gives the stone it’s dark background and the snowflakes are created by cristobalite, a form of quartz.

Just like snowflakes, every stone is unique. They come in a variety of sizes, and the patterns on each will also vary. You can find them in rough stones, tumbled stones or cut into cabochons for jewelry.

Where It Can Be Found:

Snowflake obsidians are not rare and can be found worldwide, most often where volcanos have erupted in the past:

  • Argentina

  • Canada

  • Chile

  • Ecuador

  • Iceland

  • Japan

  • Kenya

  • Mexico

  • USA

Metaphysical Properties of Snowflake Obsidian

Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Planet: Pluto

Chakra: Root and third eye

Snowflake Obsidian Meaning

Snowflake obsidian is a stone of strength and protection. The main meanings of the natural stone are to amplify positive energy and protect against negativity. 

It can balance your third eye chakra and help you to see things more clearly. It’s connection to the base chakra also makes it a good stone to stay grounded and realistic.

Snowflake Obsidian Benefits

The snowflake obsidian crystal has many benefits, especially those related to the third eye chakra or base chakra. These are most often issues like clear sight, psychic abilities and staying centered in your life. The crystal can also help to:

Absorb Negative Energy

If you’re stuck in a negative environment, try placing a snowflake obsidian at your workstation or carry one in your pocket. The stone’s two colors of light and dark mean that it can both absorb and transmute any negativity. This can help you stay safe and positive, even in difficult situations.

Give Protection

Snowflake obsidian can also give you protection from psychic attacks. If you fear others are gossiping or conspiring, try wearing or carrying the crystal. It’s energy can turn away malicious attacks and help keep you safe and peaceful.

Banish Fear

Snowflake obsidian’s connection to the base chakra makes it the perfect stone to banish fear. When your base chakra is balanced, you’ll feel capable and confident in your everyday life. If you’re feeling fearful, hold or carry a snowflake obsidian. Each time you see or touch it, remind yourself that you are strong and powerful and let it’s energy lift your spirit.

Provide Grounding and Motivation

If you find yourself daydreaming or procrastinating, try placing a snowflake obsidian at your workstation. The stone provides a grounding energy that can help you stay focused. This crystal can make you stay engaged and motivated to complete the task at hand.

Recognize the Value of Mistakes

If you’re feeling bad over a mistake you made, try carrying or meditating with a snowflake obsidian. The natural stone can help you to see all events in a more positive light. 

Sometimes we think of something as a mistake, when really it was just guidance. The snowflake obsidian can help us recognize that certain events weren’t an accident. They had to happen in order to help us navigate to the right place in our lives.

Amplify the Power of Other Stones

Using crystals together is a great way to add extra energy to your manifesting work. The snowflake obsidian is a stone that can amplify the energies of any other stone. If you’ve chosen a group of crystals for a specific purpose, add a snowflake obsidian to create an extra burst of power. This makes it a wonderful stone to use in crystal grids or layouts.

Meanings and Uses for Snowflake Obsidian.

Snowflake Obsidian for the Root Chakra

The snowflake obsidian is associated with the root chakra. The root chakra is your base, or the foundation for your life. When your root chakra is balanced you’ll feel grounded in your life. You’ll feel secure in your work, home and relationships. If you’re feeling insecure or anxious, you can meditate with a snowflake obsidian with the intention of clearing and balancing your root chakra. 

Snowflake Obsidian for the Third Eye Chakra 

The snowflake obsidian is also associated with the third eye chakra. If you want to activate your natural psychic abilities, snowflake obsidian can help to balance or open your third eye. 

If your third eye opens, you may find yourself with deep insight, heightened intuition or the ability to see auras. The ultimate goal in opening the third eye is enlightenment.

Magical Use for Snowflake Obsidian

The most important function of your root chakra is to keep you grounded on the earth and in your life. If you want to feel more safety and security, try this magical exercise for balancing your root chakra with a piece of snowflake obsidian.

Find a nearby nature spot. Depending on where you live, you might choose a beach, a pond or a forest preserve. If you live in a city you can go to a park or hiking trail. Even your own back yard will work just fine.

Bring a piece of snowflake obsidian and go to your chosen nature spot. Once you’re there, get as much of yourself in touch with the earth as possible. Take off your shoes and socks and put your feet directly on the earth. If it’s a grassy spot, you might want to lie down on your back.

Hold your snowflake obsidian in your left hand and meditate for 10 minutes. You want to focus on your connection to the earth. Feel your energetic roots growing deep into the ground. At the same time, focus on the solidity of Mother Earth, holding you safe and giving you strength.

Repeat this exercise any time you need to feel safe and secure. When you’re not meditating, you can carry your snowflake obsidian with you. Any time you see or touch it, you can remember the feeling of strength and safety.

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