Rhodonite Meaning and Metaphysical Properties
What if I told you that a single stone could embody love, compassion, and affection? That's exactly what rhodonite does. Rhodonite is a powerhouse of love and protection. It radiates a super-charged energy that can lift your spirits when you're down.
Zoisite Ruby Meaning and Healing Properties
Zoisite ruby is a spiritual stone that bears a unique harmony of two different crystals. The union of zoisite and ruby forms a vibrant energy. This encourages a fearless approach towards life, promotes joy, and acts as a catalyst in the journey to self-discovery.
Lapis Lazuli Benefits and Chakra Healing
Since ancient times, lapis lazuli has been seen as a spiritual stone with a connection to the heavens. It’s the perfect stone for balancing the metaphysical world with the physical one. Some other lapiz lazuli benefits include heightened creativity, confidence, love and protection.
Celestite Crystal Meaning for Spiritual Work
Like many crystals, the color of the stone can give us a clue to its uses and meanings. The ethereal blue celestite meaning is associated with spirituality and heavenly beings. Also known as celestine, celestite can offer assistance with meditation and other spiritual pursuits.