Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals and Stones for Healing
Solar plexus chakra infographic.
The most important theme for the solar plexus chakra is willpower and action. This is where the feelings and emotions of the lower chakras become reality.
With a healthy solar plexus chakra, you’ll feel self confident and in control of your life. You’ll be able to solve problems and make decisions with ease. You’ll feel motivated and inspired to take action towards your dreams.
3rd Chakra: The Solar Plexus Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Manipura. Means city of jewels.
Other Names: Navel Chakra
Chakra Color: Yellow
Planet: The sun
Element: Fire
Physical Location: Between the navel and the base of the sternum.
Body Functions: Muscles, digestive system and liver.
Animal: Ram
Symbol: The symbol for the solar plexus chakra is a yellow, 10 petaled lotus flower.
The symbol for the solar plexus chakra is a 10 petaled lotus.
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Solar Plexus Chakra Meaning
The solar plexus chakra is where the energy and emotions from the lower chakras become action. The most important function of this chakra is to help you bring your dreams into reality. It’s main themes are personal power, choice and the ability to take action.
Will power.
Self mastery.
Taking action.
Personal choice.
Self confidence.
Self esteem.
Logic and learning.
Making decisions.
Leadership skills.
Signs of a Balanced Solar Plexus Chakra
When your solar plexus chakra is balanced, you’ll feel confident and in control of your own life. You’ll have emotional balance and mental clarity. This helps you make decisions and plan for the future. The solar plexus chakra also helps you take action and bring those dreams into reality.
With a balanced solar plexus, you’ll also:
Be able to take action on your ideas.
Feel positive and motivated.
Be adaptable to change.
Find creative solutions to problems.
Be capable of deep concentration.
Able to start and finish projects.
Take responsibility for your decisions.
Symptoms of a Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra
If your solar plexus chakra is blocked, you might feel powerless in your own life. You could have lots of ideas, but feel like you can’t get started. Or you start a project, but give up and never finish.
Another sign of a blocked solar plexus chakra is the opposite side of the coin. You could be feeling like you need to control every single detail. You might get anxious when you can’t be in charge. Or you may micro manage or try to control other people.
Some more symptoms of a blocked solar plexus chakra could be:
Low self esteem.
Unable to concentrate.
Easily distracted.
Feeling unfocused.
Lack of confidence.
Fear of the future.
Insomnia or daytime drowsiness.
Inability to complete projects.
Issues with control and micro managing.
Spiritual Lesson of the Solar Plexus Chakra
The most important lesson of the solar plexus chakra is balance. You need to be in control of your own life. But you also need to be ok with change. You understand that you can’t control every single detail, and it doesn’t stop you from doing your best.
You make plans and take action. You’re confident enough to know that you can handle anything that comes up. A healthy solar plexus chakra will help you be strong enough to take action, yet flexible enough to enjoy the journey.
Meditation and affirmations can help balance the solar plexus chakra.
Affirmations for Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Work
One way to work with the solar plexus chakra is with affirmations. You can write some on post it notes, and put them up where you’ll see them. Repeat them to yourself each time you see your post it note.
Or you can set aside some time to journal every day. I like to start each journaling session by writing out 3 affirmations, 10 times each. If you have more time, you can write them out more. But I’ve found that 10 times is enough to anchor an affirmation.
Choose some affirmations that resonate with you. You can make up your own, or try using some of these:
I take inspired action every day.
I’m reaching for my dreams with every action, big and small.
I can handle any challenge that comes my way.
I welcome new experiences.
I’m focused on my life purpose.
I use my personal power for positive goals.
I create my own opportunities.
I am strong, powerful and confident.
I can achieve all my goals.
I am motivated.
I deserve success.
My dreams are coming true.
Best Crystals for Healing the Solar Plexus Chakra
If you’d like to heal and balance the solar plexus chakra, crystal energy can help. One way to use a crystal is by holding it or looking at it while you meditate. Or you can simply carry it with you, in your pocket or purse.
Another great way to heal your chakras is by wearing jewelry that holds a crystal. This will keep the crystal energy close to you all day long. You can use your intuition to select a crystal. Or you can use this guide to choose one that matches your purpose:
Agate builds self confidence and helps you discover your own strengths. If you’re having trouble taking action, an agate crystal can let you see yourself clearly. It’ll gently change your perception and help you understand the real problem. It can also help you overcome any negativity or emotional imbalances.
Amber works on the solar plexus chakra by reducing absent mindedness. It’s good for organizing your mind and improving your memory. Amber can balance your energy and bring a calmness and peace. This makes it easier to sort out your thoughts and make decisions that’ll help you to move forward in life.
Ametrine is an extremely energetic stone. If you’re feeling drowsy or sluggish, ametrine can stimulate your motivation and creativity. This crystal will support you in taking control of your own life. It removes any negativity or blocks that stop you from taking action. Ametrine will help you explore new possibilities and take the steps that’ll make your dreams real.
Calcite is the perfect stone for working with the solar plexus chakra. It enhances your ability to turn thoughts into actions. It also builds self trust and self esteem. It will help you to be more flexible and overcome any challenges or setbacks. Calcite comes in a huge range of colors. You can choose yellow, because it matches the solar plexus chakra. Or you can use your intuition and choose the color that makes you feel good.
Citrine is a feel-good crystal. It will help improve your energy and raise your vibrations. Citrine can balance your emotions and improve your decision making skills. It’s also known as a money stone. If you need financial help in order to bring your plans to life, citrine is the perfect stone to work with.
Citrine can boost your energy, balance your emotions and bring abundance.
Tiger’s Eye: Brown
Tiger’s eye comes in a few different colors, each one having a slightly different meaning. Brown tiger’s eye stones helps to sharpen your mind. If you have an important decision to make, this tiger’s eye can help you to be objective. It gives you courage and calmness, helping you to sort through the options. It also supports balance and intuition to help you make your decision with confidence.
Tiger’s Eye: Red
A red tiger’s eye is a stimulating stone. If you’re struggling with low energy or a lack of motivation, try working with this crystal. It can help speed up a slow metabolism and heal a sluggish solar plexus chakra.
Yellow Jade
Yellow jade is another stimulating stone. It’s an energetic crystal that brings happiness and joy. It also builds self confidence and promotes new ideas. It can help you to see a new future for yourself, with optimism and excitement. Jade is also known to bring abundance, so try working with this crystal if you’d like to bring more goodness into your life.
Yellow Jasper
Yellow jasper helps you to stay on your life path. It’s a nurturing stone that will unify all the aspects of your life. It helps you stay organized, and motivated to complete your projects.
Yellow jasper also brings courage and determination. It helps you become honest with yourself and make the changes you need, in order to reach your goals.
Yellow Topaz
Yellow topaz is a wonderful stone for the solar plexus chakra. It helps you to become bright, generous and open. It helps you recognize your own strength and abilities, and gives you the confidence to share them with the world.
Yellow topaz helps you overcome any difficulties or limitations. It opens your mind to new solutions. Then it helps you take action towards your goals. It can help you turn any dream into reality, no matter how big it is.
Yellow Tourmaline
Yellow tourmaline is a wonderful crystal for enhancing your personal power. It takes you inside of your self and shows you your best qualities. It builds your confidence and removes fear of the future. Yellow tourmaline brings energy, inspiration, and motivation.
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