Guide to Pink Amethyst Meaning and Benefits

Pink amethyst comes in a range of colors from pale pink to light lavender.

Crystals have been used for their healing properties since Plato wrote about Atlantis - over 2,400 years ago! Given all the interest throughout history, it’s not often that we get to discover a brand new crystal. 

But in 2019, the pink amethyst was found in Argentina. It’s unique coloring and metaphysical benefits makes it an amazing find for crystal and gemstone enthusiasts. It’s so exciting for me to experiment and learn more about the pink amethyst meaning and benefits.

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Pink Amethyst Properties

Family: Quartz

Color and Appearance:

Pink amethyst can be found in pretty pale pinks to lavender shades. They’re usually soft, pastel colors. The pink color is caused by the presence of iron or manganese in the crystal’s structure. 

Pink amethyst is a lot more rare than the purple colored crystals. It’s often used in jewelry because of its beauty. It can also be found in polished stones, geodes or clusters.

Where It Can Be Found:

Pink amethyst comes from the province of La Rioja, in northwestern Argentina. The El Chiquada mine is known for its large deposits of pink amethyst geodes.

Metaphysical Properties of Pink Amethyst

Astrological Sign: Virgo

Birthstone Month: February

Planet: Venus

Chakra: Heart

Pink Amethyst Meaning

The pink amethyst is a gentle, spiritual stone with connections to intuition and emotion. It can help release negativity and balance the heart chakra. Pink amethyst can also help attract a spiritual or soul mate relationship.

Pink Amethyst Benefits

Although the crystal was only discovered in 2019, its metaphysical benefits became known very quickly. The crystal is best used to clear negative emotions and promote peacefulness. Pink amethyst can also help to:

Promote Emotional Healing

If you have emotional wounds, pink amethyst can help release any negative feelings and blocks. Working with pink amethyst can help you feel more centered and emotionally balanced. It’s also great for working with the heart chakra, which will allow you to experience more compassion and love for yourself and others. 

Shift Negative Emotions

If you’re carrying a lot of old baggage, pink amethyst can help to clear it. The stone has a gentle energy that won’t cause upheavals, while slowly removing old blocks to your happiness. Simply hold the crystal while you meditate. As your mantra, concentrate on the thought “I am ready and willing to release these negative emotions.”

Enhance Self Awareness

Pink amethyst can help you gain a deeper understanding of your own motivations. It can open your eyes to the connection between your feelings and your actions. The crystal can give you more insight into your own thoughts, patterns and behaviors.

Relieve Stress

Pink amethyst is wonderful crystal for relieving stress and anxiety. Simply holding the stone can help you feel calmer and more relaxed. This gentle crystal can soothe your emotions and calm your thoughts. If you’re feeling anxious, try meditating with a pink amethyst to feel more relaxed and at ease.

Enhance Creativity and Intuition

Pink amethyst has a connection to your subconscious. By allowing you to tap into your intuitive feelings, the crystal can enhance your creativity. If you’re working on a creative project or problem, pink amethyst can help you find new ideas and inspiration.

Pink amethyst is a calm and soothing crystal, perfect for relieving stress.

Pink Amethyst Healing Properties

Pink amethyst is a wonderful stone to use for crystal healing. It’s believed to help boost natural healing abilities and it can have a positive effect on the immune system. 

This crystal can also promote restful sleep. By helping your body and mind to relax, pink amethyst can help you to fall asleep gently and easily. If you suffer from nightmares or insomnia, try placing a crystal under your pillow.

Like the purple amethyst, the pink variety can help to promote sobriety. It’s ability to bring peace and calmness will help to soothe cravings and addictions.

Pink Amethyst vs Rose Quartz

While both crystals are lovely pink gemstones, they have some distinct differences in their physical makeup and origins:


Rose quartz comes in soft, delicate pink colors. It’s found in pale, pastel or rosy pinks. Pink amethyst comes in more intense shades, like vibrant pink to lavender or lilac.


Rose quartz is composed of silicon dioxide and it gets its color from traces of iron, titanium, manganese and dumortierite. It’s a common crystal that can be found worldwide.

Pink amethyst coloring comes from trace minerals such as iron and manganese. This combination is only found in La Rioja, Argentina.The pink amethyst is more rare than the rose quartz.

Pink Amethyst for the Heart Chakra 

Crystals in the quartz family are versatile and can be used for balancing any of the chakras. The pink color and emotional meanings of the pink amethyst make it a good match for the heart chakra.

To work with pink amethyst and the heart chakra, you can hold a crystal in your hand while you meditate. The gentle energy will help clear and balance your heart chakra.

To keep the crystal close to your heart, you could choose a necklace with a pink amethyst pendant. Another way to tap into the crystal energy is by placing a piece of pink amethyst in your home. You can find pink amethyst geodes, towers or crystals to add to your alter, tables or mantle.

Wear a Pink Amethyst Necklace

This necklace is perfect for emotional healing or working with your chakras. The pretty heart shaped pink amethyst can bring it’s gentle energy to you all day long.

Choose a Pink Amethyst Geode

I love geodes for the feeling of mystery when you peer inside. Pink amethyst geodes can be a gorgeous addition to your home decor. Or you can use it during meditations to help focus and deepen your intuition.

Caring For a Pink Amethyst Crystal

  • Like all crystals, the pink amethyst is durable enough to last a lifetime. Especially if you take good care of it:

  • Avoid using ultrasonic cleansers or harsh chemicals.

  • Clean it with a soft cloth and warm soapy water. Dry it thoroughly when you’re done.

  • If you’re storing a pink amethyst with other stones or jewelry, make sure to wrap it in a soft cloth or pouch, to avoid scratches.

  • Don’t expose it to extreme heat or cold.

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Close up of pink and lavender crystals with the title "pink amethyst meanings, benefits and uses".

Close up of a pink amethyst crystal.


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