Ocean Jasper: Healing Properties and Spiritual Meanings

Golden hand with a brown and gray ocean jasper on top of it, with stones in the background.

Ocean jasper is a positive stone with high vibrations.

Ocean jasper carries a positive vibration. It promotes relaxation, joy and optimism. Ocean jasper healing properties include emotional balance, peace and wholeness. It helps deepen meditations and aids in spiritual growth.

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Ocean Jasper Properties

The appearance of ocean jasper is similar to the sea. The stones have waves and bubbles in colors that remind us of the ocean.

Family: Quartz/Chalcedony

Color and Appearance: Ocean jasper comes in many different colors, including green, pink, red, orange and yellow. Its main color is usually mixed with white or cream. 

Where It Can Be Found:

  • Madagascar

Ocean Jasper Metaphysical Properties

Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Planet: Venus, Mercury and Neptune

Element: Water

Chakra: Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras

Ocean Jasper Spiritual Meaning

Ocean jasper is also known as orbicular jasper, or sea jasper. It’s a nurturing stone celebrated for its patterns that resemble the ocean. It has orb-like inclusions and a wide variety of colors. 

It has several spiritual meanings in the realm of crystal healing and spiritual practices:

Nurturing and Support

Ocean jasper is often associated with support during times of stress. It offers a sense of peace and wholeness. It can also help you feel more optimistic and connected with the joys of life.


The stone is believed to promote healing from illness and to detoxify the body. It's also associated with strengthening the immune system.

Release of Negativity

Ocean jasper can help you release negative feelings. This leads to a more optimistic outlook on life.


Ocean jasper helps you express love and patience. It can also enhance communication, especially for those who work in service to others.

Meditation and Spirituality

In spiritual practices, it is used to aid in meditation. This crystal helps you achieve a state of tranquility and to connect with the Earth's energy.


Much like the ocean cleanses and renews itself, ocean jasper helps you let go of the old and embrace the new.

Piece of brown, gray and white ocean jasper on a dark brown background.

Ocean jasper comes in many colors and patterns, making each one unique.

Benefits of Ocean Jasper

Ocean jasper has many spiritual and metaphysical benefits, including emotional healing and spiritual connection. Here are some more benefits of using ocean jasper in your daily life:

Emotional Healing

Ocean jasper is celebrated for its ability to promote emotional healing. It encourages feelings of joy. It elevates your spirit and brings a sense of contentment.

Healing Energy

In terms of energy, I find this stone carries a nurturing feel that supports and revitalizes. Its energy is calming and soothing. This can help relieve stress and anxiety.

Spiritual Connection

Ocean jasper also helps in the pursuit of spiritual growth. It aids in understanding and tapping into the circular nature of the energy within and around us.

Color Variations of Ocean Jasper

Ocean jasper can be found in a variety of colors, including white, red, green, yellow, pink, brown, blue, black, and grey. The presence of minerals like iron and chloride contributes to these hues. The result is a stunning, orb-like pattern. 

Ocean jasper's unique patterns and colors also contribute to its therapeutic properties. This makes each stone a personal healing companion. In crystal healing practices, different colors can have extra meanings. Various colors can have an effect on your energy and emotional state. For example:

White and Grey: Symbolizes purity and stability.

Green: Often associated with nature, growth, and healing.

Red, Pink, and Brown: Linked to grounding and nurturing.

Yellow: Brings optimism and joy.

Blue: Represents tranquility and communication.

Black: Offers protection and grounding.

Polished square ocean jasper in beige, white, and dark gray on a white background.

Ocean jasper in white and gray colors can be used for stability and security.

Ocean Jasper Healing Properties

Ocean jasper is often associated with various benefits in the healing and wellness community. It's purported to support physical health and is frequently incorporated into alternative therapies.

Physical Health Benefits

Ocean Jasper is believed to enhance physical wellbeing. Many claim it can aid the digestive system by promoting the body's ability to absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins. It's also touted for its potential to regulate the thyroid. This is vital for maintaining metabolism and energy levels.

Digestive Health

Advocates suggest it may alleviate issues like bloating and promote a healthy gut.

Thyroid Function

Some even say it can help in balancing thyroid hormones.

Eczema Relief

In terms of skin health, ocean jasper-infused water or salt baths are occasionally recommended for conditions like eczema due to their mineral content, potentially providing a soothing effect.

A salt bath with the added influence of ocean jasper may soothe irritated skin.

Lymphatic Support

Its connection with the lymphatic system is noted, with users believing it can assist in reducing water retention by encouraging fluid movement in the body. It's employed to stimulate the lymph system, aiming to lessen puffiness and water retention.

Alternative Therapies

When it comes to healing on a less tangible level, ocean jasper is also employed in various alternative therapies. It is said to have a grounding effect that can bring emotional tranquility and reinforce the spirit during times of stress.

Emotional Aspect

It's hailed for its ability to help smooth out emotional stress, promoting feelings of peacefulness.

Hydrotherapy Integration

Hydrotherapy sessions often use ocean jasper due to its association with purity and renewal. Additionally, metaphysical practitioners might incorporate this stone to help balance inner energies.

Ocean jasper in the palm of a golden hand, next to a flower carving.

Ocean jasper can help heal and balance the heart chakra and the solar plexus chakra.

Chakra Alignment With Ocean Jasper

Ocean jasper resonates with the heart chakra and the solar plexus chakra. Harmonizing these energy centers can help enhance self-love and personal power.

  • Heart Chakra: Ocean jasper's nurturing energy fosters empathy and compassion. This makes your connection with others more profound and heartfelt.

  • Solar Plexus Chakra: It imbues a sense of confidence and emotional strength within you. This helps tune into personal power and the courage to face life's challenges.

Healing and Balancing the Heart Chakra

Ocean jasper, with its soothing energy, can be used to heal and balance the heart chakra (Anahata). The heart chakra is the center of love, compassion, and kindness. Its located at the center of the chest. Here are some ways to use ocean jasper for this purpose:


Hold an ocean jasper stone or place it on your chest near the heart chakra while meditating. Focus on the stone's energy. visualize a gentle, nurturing light filling the area and dissolving any blockages or negative energy.

Wear Ocean Jasper Jewelry

Wearing ocean jasper as a necklace that hangs near the heart can help keep its energy close to the heart chakra throughout the day.

Carry the Stone

Keeping ocean jasper in your pocket or purse allows you to touch and hold the stone when you feel the need for its calming presence.

Place it in Your Environment

Positioning ocean jasper in your living space, especially areas where you relax or meditate, can create a soothing atmosphere that supports heart chakra healing.


While holding or wearing ocean jasper, repeat affirmations that resonate with the heart chakra, such as "I am open to love," "I forgive myself and others," or "I live in balance with others."

Crystal Grids

Create a crystal grid with ocean jasper as the centerpiece, surrounded by other stones that support the heart chakra, like rose quartz or green aventurine.

Reiki and Energy Work

If you practice Reiki or other forms of energy work, incorporate ocean jasper into your sessions. Try placing the stone over the heart chakra or holding it while channeling healing energy.

Square piece of brown, gray and cream ocean jasper on a brown wooden background.

Ocean jasper can be used during meditation, yoga and visualization practices.

Healing and Balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra

Ocean jasper can also be used to balance the solar plexus chakra (Manipura). This chakra is associated with personal power, self-confidence, and the ability to execute decisions. 

The solar plexus chakra is located above the navel and below the chest. Here are some ways to use ocean jasper to help balance this chakra:


Sit in a quiet space and hold ocean jasper in your hands or place it on your solar plexus chakra. As you meditate, visualize a warm, yellow light emanating from the stone and filling your solar plexus with confidence and power.

Wear Ocean Jasper

Try wearing ocean jasper as a belt buckle or a piece of jewelry that sits close to the solar plexus region. This can help maintain the chakra's balance throughout the day.

Carry the Stone

Keep ocean jasper with you by carrying it in your pocket, especially in situations where you need a boost of self-assurance or need to assert your personal power.


Use affirmations tailored to the solar plexus chakra while holding your ocean jasper. You might use phrases like "I am worthy," "I am confident in my abilities," or "I have the power to create change in my life."

Crystal Grids

Create a crystal grid for the purpose of empowering the solar plexus chakra. Place ocean jasper at the center, and surround it with other stones that support this chakra, such as citrine or tiger's eye.


Incorporate ocean jasper into your yoga practice. Place the stone near your mat while you perform poses that activate the solar plexus chakra, such as Warrior poses or Bow pose.


Since the solar plexus chakra is associated with the sun and its energy, you can place ocean jasper in a spot where it will get sunlight to "charge" the stone with solar energy.

The colors may fade if it’s left out too long, so limit its exposure to 10 minutes. Once it’s charged, use it during meditation or carry it with you.

Myths and Symbolism of Ocean Jasper

Ocean jasper is sometimes called the Atlantis Stone. Several myths link ocean jasper to Atlantis, the fabled lost city. The stones circular patterns resemble ancient wisdom. Ocean jasper was a prized possession among Atlanteans. 

It embodyed the interconnectedness of all life. It is believed that ocean jasper was used to communicate with the divine and to understand the complex nature of the universe.

Ocean Jasper in Your Daily Life

Integrating ocean jasper into your daily activities can be a grounding experience. It can help link you to nature and the tranquility of the sea. As part of your routine, the gemstone enhances meditation, promotes peace, and serves as a soothing presence for stress relief.

Meditation Practices

I make ocean jasper a cornerstone of my meditation practices by creating a dedicated space where the stone's qualities can imbue the surroundings. I hold a piece of ocean jasper in my hand or place it in front of me during meditation. The stone's connection with water elements enhances my focus on fluidity and adaptability.

  • Position: I place ocean jasper on my heart chakra to foster openness and joy.

  • Visualization: I visualize sea-infused light emanating from the stone to cleanse my aura and support a deep state of peace.

Stress Relief and Comfort

In my everyday life, the presence of ocean jasper is a constant reminder to release stress and embrace a positive outlook. I keep a polished stone on my desk or wear ocean jasper jewelry to carry its comforting energy with me throughout the day.

  • Spaces: I place ocean jasper in areas where I frequently relax. Spots like my living room or bedroom, to create a nurturing environment.

  • Touchstones: When I feel anxious, I gently rub the surface of ocean jasper. I find solace in its smoothness and the subtle reminder of the ocean's calming waves.

Ocean Jasper in Jewelry and Home Decor

Ocean Jasper is a distinctive and colorful stone. Its patterned beauty and wide variety of colors that make it a favorite choice for jewelry.

Ocean Jasper Bracelet

Ocean Jasper Ring

Ocean Jasper Sphere

Caring For Your Ocean Jasper

Collectors and jewelry enthusiasts should be aware that while ocean jasper is durable, it still requires gentle handling to preserve its intricate patterns and coloration for generations.

To retain ocean jasper's radiance, proper care is crucial. I recommend cleaning it with mild soap and lukewarm water, followed by a soft cloth. Be mindful when using water as prolonged exposure can damage softer stones.

DOs for Ocean Jasper Care:

  • Cleanse with sage smoke for spiritual maintenance

  • Charge by placing on a windowsill to bask in moonlight, avoiding harsh sunlight

DON'Ts for Ocean Jasper Care:

  • Avoid harsh chemicals and cleaners

  • Do not expose to prolonged direct sunlight, as it can fade the stone's vibrant colors

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Piece of ocean jasper balanced on a golden hand, on top of a white log with stones in the background.

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