Best Crystals for Throat Chakra Healing and Opening
Throat Chakra Infographic.
The throat chakra is responsible for communication. It helps us speak and express ourselves authentically. It also helps us to understand others and deepens our connection to the world.
If the throat chakra is blocked, it can be opened and healed with meditation, yoga or crystals. Some of the best crystals include amazonite, aquamarine and turquoise.
5th Chakra: The Throat Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha. Means especially pure.
Chakra Color: Blue
Planet: Mercury
Element: Ether
Physical Location: At the base of the throat.
Body Functions: Thyroid, neck and shoulders.
Animal: White elephant
Symbol: The symbol for the throat chakra is a 16 petaled lotus flower with the Sanskrit letter “ham”
The throat chakra symbol is a blue lotus with 16 petals.
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Throat Chakra Meaning
The meaning of the throat chakra is good communication. This includes self expression, truth and integrity. The throat chakra helps us to express our thoughts and feelings with honesty.
It also helps us remember that communication is a two way street. Good communication includes listening skills and learning from others.
Self expression.
Clarity of thought.
Signs of a Balanced and Open Throat Chakra
A balanced throat chakra enhances all your communication skills, including speaking, writing and other artistic expression. You’ll be able to connect with others and feel genuine and understood.
You can live authentically and honestly. You can express your feelings and thoughts without fear. You’re a good listener and you can hear and understand others.
Some more signs of a balanced throat chakra include:
Strong speaking skills.
Confidence expressing yourself.
Good writing skills.
Teaching abilities.
Feel free to express yourself.
Comfortable speaking the truth.
Easy to voice your feelings.
Open to learning from others.
Able to give and receive feedback.
Good listener.
Living authentically.
Personal integrity.
Healthy boundaries.
Blocked Throat Chakra Symptoms
A blocked throat chakra can cause a range of issues that are related to communication and self expression. You might find yourself having trouble speaking up or feeling misunderstood.
It can also lead to problems in relationships. You might find yourself shouting and yelling instead of working through problems or disagreements. Or the opposite could happen - maybe you give people the silent treatment, even though you know it’s unhealthy.
Some more signs of a blocked throat chakra include:
Difficulty speaking the truth.
Feel like you’re living a lie.
Lack of inspiration.
Creative blocks.
Learning difficulties.
Afraid to ask questions.
Stage fright or shyness.
Social anxiety.
Talking too much.
Being a gossip.
Blue crystals can help balance the throat chakra.
Spiritual Lesson of the Throat Chakra
A balanced throat chakra can help us feel a sense of purpose in life. It gives us a connection to the world and people around us. Authentic communication is what allows genuine connection.
Communication doesn’t need to happen on a big scale. If you’re not into public speaking, concentrate on connecting with a few trusted friends. Another way to communicate is through writing and art. Whatever method you choose, finding a way to express yourself can give you a sense of fulfillment.
Techniques for Throat Chakra Healing
If you’d like to balance, energize or open your throat chakra, there are a few different methods you can try:
Singing or chanting.
Practice mindful communication.
Creative expression, like journaling or art.
Yoga poses for the throat chakra.
Meditation that heals the throat chakra.
Blue-colored stones or crystals, which are associated with the throat chakra.
Using Crystals for Throat Chakra Healing
Set Your Intention
Hold the crystal in your hands and focus on your intention for healing your throat chakra. You might mentally or verbally express your intention to clear any blockages and promote healthy communication and self-expression.
Place the Crystals on Your Throat
Lie down in a comfortable position and place the chosen crystal on your throat area. You can place a single crystal or arrange multiple crystals in a grid pattern. Relax and breathe deeply, visualizing the crystal's energy interacting with your throat chakra.
While the crystals rest on your throat, meditate for 15-20 minutes. Envision a blue light emanating from the crystal and filling your throat area, dissolving any blockages and restoring balance.
Wear Crystal Jewelry
Wearing crystal pendants or necklaces that rest near the throat chakra can also be a way to continuously benefit from the crystal's energy throughout the day.
Carry Crystals with You
Keeping a crystal in your pocket or purse allows you to touch or hold it when you feel the need to balance your throat chakra or communicate effectively.
Best Crystals For Healing the Throat Chakra
When you’re choosing crystals for your throat chakra, you can always use your intuition. If you’re drawn to a certain crystal, it may be the best one for you.
If you’re looking for the right crystal for your throat chakra, start with some blue ones. Or you can choose one based on it’s meaning.
Amazonite helps you to absorb information and filter it through your intuition. This crystal will also balance energy and can help you see both sides of an issue. If you’re trying to connect with different points of view, amazonite will help open a channel of communication.
Angelite is a wonderful crystal for anyone who has difficulty speaking their truth. This is a stone of peace and tranquility. It teaches compassion and understanding. Angelite helps you to accept yourself and others, without judgement.
Aquamarine is the perfect crystal for clarifying your thoughts. It clears away confusion and sharpens your perception. Aquamarine can also enhance your intuition and help you to see the truth in all situations. It also promotes creativity and self expression. Aquamarine is also a good stone for clearing away misunderstandings and opening communication.
Aquamarine is a great crystal for healing the throat chakra.
Blue Apatite
Apatite stimulates creativity and clears confusion. It helps you connect to your own truth and provides spiritual guidance. If you’re making a presentation or have an important meeting, blue apatite can help you become a good public speaker. This crystal also enhances communication between friends, partners and groups.
Blue Lace Agate
If you want to gently heal and open the throat chakra, blue lace agate can help. It’s a peaceful stone that dissolves anxiety and fear. Blue lace agate is a supportive stone that will reveal old patterns and clear them away, without creating new trauma. It will connect you to your spiritual truths and help you express them to the world.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis lazuli is stone of honesty and authenticity. It helps you see the truth about yourself and others. This crystal encourages self awareness and help you express yourself openly. It can release anger, and replace it with compassion and honesty.
Lapis lazuli also helps with listening and learning. It builds bonds between friends and lovers, without codependency, martyrdom or emotional bondage.
Sodalite encourages truth, critical thinking and perception. It’s a stone that can help you come to deeper understanding of yourself and others. It can open your perception to spiritual truths and help you live with honesty and integrity.
It also enhances trust and harmony. Sodalite can bring a feeling of companionship, and promote good communication within groups.
Turquoise is a purifying stone. It can clear away old baggage that blocks the throat chakra. It dispels negative energy and balance your emotions. This crystal promotes a feeling of peace and calm, while staying open and alert.
Turquoise also helps with creative expression. If you’re feeling stuck or blocked, turquoise can dissolve self doubt or self sabotage. This is a crystal that can open the way for true and honest communication.
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