10 Best Root Chakra Crystals for Healing
The chakras are energy centers located along your spine. Each one is responsible for a different area of your mental, emotional and physical well being. The first one is called the root chakra or the base chakra.
When your root chakra is balanced and healthy, you’ll feel safe and secure. Abundance will flow into your life easily. If you’re feeling anxious or stuck, try working with some crystals to balance and heal your root chakra.
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1st Chakra: The Root Chakra or Base Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Muldahara. “Mula” means the root, “adhara” means support or base.
Chakra Color: Red
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Physical Location: The base of the spine or the perineum.
Body Functions: Immune system, large intestine, rectum, bones, legs and feet.
Animal: Elephant with 7 trunks.
Symbol: The symbol for the root chakra is a red, four petaled lotus flower. This chakra is associated with the Hindu god Indra. He rides the white elephant Airavata. The elephant has 7 trunks, symbolizing the 7 elements needed for life.
The symbol for the root chakra is a four-petaled, red lotus flower.
Meaning of The Root Chakra
Your root chakra connects you to the earth and helps you enjoy all that life has to offer. This chakra can help you process endings and move forward into a new beginning. A healthy root chakra allows energy to flow easily and brings opportunities, abundance and good luck into your life.
Keywords For the Root Chakra:
Good health
Connection to the earth
Embracing endings and new beginnings
A Balanced Root Chakra
When this chakra is balanced and clear, it can manifest as:
Strong family and home life.
Supportive friendships.
Ability to move forward in life.
Confidence in your abilities.
Feeling of security and safety.
Energy of abundance.
An Unbalanced Root Chakra
When this chakra is blocked or unbalanced, it can manifest as:
A feeling of being stuck.
Never getting ahead.
A feeling of lack.
Back pain or sciatica.
Depression or anxiety.
Panic attacks.
Spiritual Lesson of The Root Chakra
The root chakra is related to your earthly connection. It can help bridge the gap between your spiritual life and your physical life. As you work with sacred or metaphysical practices, you’ll have new ideas and experiences. Your root chakra can help you process these and integrate them into your daily life.
The Root Chakra and Kundalini
In Hatha yoga, kundalini is the divine feminine energy. This energy is always coiled at the base of the spine, in the root chakra. During an awakening, kundalini will rise up through each chakra. At each chakra a different stage of enlightenment will be reached.
The ultimate goal of a kundalini awakening is for this energy to rise and meet the divine masculine energy, at the crown chakra. The kundalini can be awakened by transmission from a guru or through spiritual practices. These practices include yoga, pranayama and meditation.
The root chakra can help ground your spiritual practices.
Affirmations For Working With The Root Chakra
The most important function of the root chakra is safety, self confidence and grounding. If you’d like to work with affirmations, try using some that focus on these ideals. Here’s a few you can try:
I am safe and protected.
I am protected by the universe.
I am surrounded by positive energy.
I am amazing.
I deserve love and respect.
I am a magnet for good luck.
I am peaceful, calm and grounded.
I am supported by the earth.
Crystals are a wonderful way to balance and heal your chakras.
Best Crystals For Balancing The Root Chakra
Working with crystals is a great way to heal and balance the root chakra. The easiest way to work with a crystal is by gazing at it or holding it while you meditate. Another way to use your crystal is by lying down and placing it directly on your root chakra. The energy of the stone will connect to your chakra energy and help it to clear and rebalance.
Many crystals will work with the root chakra. If you already have a collection, you can use your intuition to choose one. Or you can choose one based on it’s meaning. Some of the best crystals for root chakra healing are:
1. Black Obsidian
Black obsidian connects the spiritual being to the physical plane, making it an excellent stone for root chakra work. This connection is what makes it possible for you to manifest your dreams in the physical world. Black obsidian also helps you release any negative energy. It can show you how to transform this energy and use it in a new and more positive way.
2. Black Tourmaline
Black tourmaline is an excellent stone for chakra work. When using it for the base chakra, it removes fear, anxiety and any old baggage you still have around. It can help change your negative thought patterns to positive ones. It boosts your energy and builds self confidence. It’s also a highly protective stone. It can block ill wishes, psychic attacks and negative energy that’s been directed towards you.
3. Bloodstone
Bloodstone is wonderful for grounding your energy and stabilizing your root chakra. It can also protect you from bad influences, opening the way for expanded creativity. Bloodstone can help you to trust your instincts and hear your inner guidance.
4. Garnet
Garnet stimulates the rise of kundalini. If you’re interested in awakening your kundalini, garnet is a great stone to use when you’re working with the root chakra. It can also bring strength and courage, especially in a crisis. Garnet helps dissolve old ideas and patterns. When you’re ready for a fresh start, garnet can bring you new ways of thinking and acting.
The center of the root chakra symbol is the Sanskrit word “lam”.
5. Hematite
Hematite is a crystal with many different uses. It can protect you from negativity. It can help you with clear thinking and decision making. It can also balance your energies to attract love and affection. If you’re trying to make changes in your life, hematite can clear any blocks and help you move forward quickly.
6. Mookaite Jasper
All types of jasper are wonderful for working with the chakras. Jasper absorbs and cleanses any negative energy. Mookaite comes in a variety of beige, pink and red colors and it’s one of my favorite forms of jasper. It helps to balance the inner and outer worlds, making it a good match for the root chakra. When I’m working to bring an idea into reality, Mookaite helps me to stay motivated and energized.
7. Red Jasper
Red jasper can help reduce stress and anxiety. This makes it the perfect stone for meditating. Red jasper can help you see an ending in a more positive light. It’ll help you remember that endings are also new beginnings. This crystal can give you the courage and strength to let go of the past and move into the future with confidence.
8. Smoky Quartz
Smoky quartz is a protective stone. It can help to ground and anchor you in the present. It’s especially useful when you’re meditating or working with the root chakra. It can help you to stay focused and present while you work towards insight, balance and healing.
9. Snowflake Obsidian
Snowflake obsidian is a stone of balance. It can help you to recognize and release unhelpful thought patterns, without feeling bad about them. Your mistakes are just as important as your successes. Snowflake obsidian can help you to find the lessons, let go of mistakes and look to the future.
10. Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s eye crystals have a strong connection to the earth. A tiger’s eye can help to raise your spirits while also keeping you grounded. It can heal issues with self esteem, self confidence, and self criticism. It can also help you to clarify your own needs and place appropriate boundaries.
Use Your Intuition
The best thing about using crystals is that they won’t give harm. If one doesn’t work for you, you can simply try another one. Begin carrying it, or working with it during visualization and meditation. The more you work with a crystal, the more it will become tuned to you and your energy.
It’s best to begin with the suggested crystals, but always use your own intuition. If a crystal feels good to you, it’s meant for you. Use your crystals in the way that feels best for you.
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